Get your team together
It is dangerous to go alone! Choose a number of trusted friends and volunteers to work with you on your GGJ adventure.
Delegation is important. Only a few tasks are absolutely must-do, but the more help you can get, the better. Assemble a team of trusted friends and colleagues who you know you can rely on to help get the job done.
Sometimes your Jammers can also be your volunteers / helpers, if you ask them nicely and the task is reasonable, but remember to set expectations and deadlines as well as treating volunteers kindly as their time is valuable. It is fine to hold people accountable for things they have committed to do for you. Here's a list of tasks that Must be done, so you can effectively delegate the workload, as well as some optional tasks.
Finding a suitable venue and arrange the booking for the jam;
Submitting the application on the GGJ Website, and coordinating with the RO to be accepted;
Checking the set-up of tables, chairs, internet, cables, extensions, and other necessary hardware;
Making sure the internet works!
Being in charge of organizing security, managing the safe space policy and jammer welfare;
Staying up for, or delegating night shifts, if your location is open 24hrs;
Setting up a space to watch and show the keynote at the beginning of your GGJ jam site;
Reaching out to, and, getting sponsors;
Doing online/offline promotion for your site;
Designing a poster. Maybe even printing and promoting it!
Organizing a small slide presentation for the start of the event with key points and rules for the Jammers;
Organizing the food and drink;
Designing and printing badges/lanyards/signage...
Setting up a live transmission of your site;
Helping jammers with technical support;
Taking and sharing photos/videos of the event;
... and more ...
Last updated